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©Alain Scherer

« The side of the moon is frustrating : obscenus we shall say. » Jean-Toussaint Desanti

What is rejected by sight and yet shows itself ; the things that should remain a secret and yet express themselves.

But, is the night actually operating on us, or do we rather perceive in it that blinding part of ourselves ?

Is the night absorbing us, or do we rather see in it the possibility of spreading ourselves ?

Is it obscene ? Would it refer to the unity of dissimulation and unveiling ? Or are we rather this black spot that disturbs the eye.

We are night.


We are this vibration, this blurred area.

We are this compelling desire that it will never stop.

We are this body ready to act, this quantity of force with a load that can be felt. This nocturnal space of "no image".

We are what night represents in a world numbed by the light.

We are this massive body, this labile body, this wild body.

We are this tense space, which we pierce to see inside.

We are this shadow that is thrown at our feet.

We are the stretching material, always looking for inclusion.

We are what extends and opens.

Neither totally dead, nor quite alive, we are the demolition and the recomposition.

We are an invitation, a summoning to laisser-faire attitude.

We are what finally collapses.

We are what mesmerizes, offends and forces the eye to look away.

An indiscreet abundance, neither banal nor reassuring.

We are the refuge, the sleep, the lullaby.

We are resonance, and its multiple modes of existence.

We are silence and breathing.

We are the echo, the crackle, the tremor.

We are what gets deformed, distended, disjointed.

We are everything that comes back again.

We are the end, and what it puts an end to is incompleteness itself.

We are this movement.


// June 2021 Festival Uzès Danse


Choreographers Magali Milian, Romuald Luydlin

Assistant Laurie Bellanca

With Alice Bachy, Romuald Luydlin, Magali Milian, Camilo Sarasa Molina et Anna Vanneau

Scenography Magali Milian, Romuald Luydlin, Denis Rateau and Antoine Desnos

Music Jean-François Laporte

Music assistant Marc Sens

Costumes Lucie Patarozzi

Light design Denis Rateau

Direction and sound control Valérie Leroux

Dramaturgy Marie Reverdy

Thanks to Antoine Desnos


Production La Zampa  in co-production with Productions Totem Contemporain Montréal

Co-production L'Empreinte Scène Nationale Brive - Tulle, La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie, L'Usine CNAREP Tournefeuille Toulouse Métropole, Théâtre Molière-Sète scène nationale archipel de Thau, La Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain – Bayonne, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse-Occitanie

Workshops L'Usine CNAREP Tournefeuille Toulouse Métropole, La place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse-Occitanie, HYBRIDE #3 projet de coopération L'Usine / Japon / Villa Kujoyama, Châteauvallon - Le Liberté Scène nationale Toulon Provence Méditerranée, La Maison CDCN - Uzès studio mobile, L'Archipel scène nationale de Perpignan, La Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain – Bayonne, Montpellier Danse

Thanks to Yuko Mori et Kosei Sakamoto - Cie Monochrome Circus (Kyoto/Japon) 

LA BELLE HUMEUR >>> Off site

Image 80 - Copie.JPG

Regarde-moi ©Benoit Gob


// November 28 et 29, 2023

LA BELLE HUMEUR / Théâtre de Nîmes

// March 7, 2023

L'Onde Théâtre Centre d'Art, Vélizy-Villacoublay

// April 9, 2022

L'Empreinte Scène Nationale Brive Tulle

// February 8, 2022

Montpellier Danse

// November 19, 2021

La Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitain - Bayonne

// September 11, 2021

Courtyard of the Cinematheque - Toulouse 

EXIT - An event of L'Usine, Centre national des arts de la rue et de l'espace public Tournefeuille / Toulouse Métropole

// June 11, 2021 - PREMIERE

Festival Uzès Danse 2021 / La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie

WORKSHOPS (* in progress)

// May 17 to 21, 2021

L'Archipel scène nationale de Perpignan

// May 10 to 15, 2021

La Scène Nationale du Sud-Aquitaine - Bayonne

// April 19 to 23, 2021

LA BELLE HUMEUR / L'Usine Centre national des arts de la rue et de l'espace public Tournefeuille / Toulouse Métropole

// February 8 to 20, 2021

Montpellier Danse

// January 21 - February 7, 2021

La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie / Studio mobile La Grand Combe

// October 19 - 30, 2020

La Place de la Danse, CDCN Toulouse - Occitanie

// October 5-16, 2020

L'Usine Centre national des arts de la rue et de l'espace public Tournefeuille / Toulouse Métropole

// September 7-17, 2020

Chateauvallon - Théâtre Le Liberté Scène nationale de Toulon

// August 9 to 19, 2019 

Villa Kujoyama Kyoto, in the framework of HYBRIDE cooperation project with L'Usine / Japan / Villa Kujoyama

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