APPEAU (2015)
A film inspired by The RITE OF SPRING by Igor Stravinsky and Vaslav Nijinsky.
APPEAU ©Vincent Capes
« To spring
To revolution
To freeze time
To be effective
To rise the tide
To cast a chill
To be heard
To clear the fog
To make the miracle appear
To try »
Initially, there is the will to gather a team around The Rite of Spring, a work that staged a sacrifice.
Crossing through time, the sacrifice, "made sacred", is changing, it is displaced, it is transformed. It can take many forms.
Whether it involves us totally or partially, whether actual or symbolic, ritualized or simply played, it responds essentially to our need to believe, even if it is an illusion.
There is a pleasure to be fooled.
For the act to make sense, just believe in it. And all belief requires an object on which to project ourselves.
The simulacrum finds its place here.
It does not take us away from the force and scope of the act, but gives us a path, a possible incarnation. The simulacrum does not hide the truth, it is a fake but which is ultimately a truth.
Led by four musicians, we wanted to place the dancers in a device that dematerializes their bodies and gives them the possibility of becoming a matter, a shadow that operates.
Decoy is a place of revelation that echoes the incessant call of sacrifice and its cyclical need to be satisfied.
Magali Milian, Romuald Luydlin, Vincent Capes
20 min. - 2014 - HD - France​
A film by Vincent CAPES, Magali MILIAN et Romuald LUYDLIN
Danse Sophie LEQUENNE, Magali MILIAN, Romuald LUYDLIN
Music Yann LECOLLAIRE (Bass clarinet), Pak Yan LAU (Keyboards), Lionel MALRIC (Piano), Benjamin CHAVAL (Drums and machines)
Video Vincent CAPES
Sound Valérie LEROUX
Production Service Culturel de la Ville de Nîmes, Anima, La Zampa.
With the support of Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon.
Thanks to Richard Troisvallets, Le Théâtre de Nîmes, technical crews from Théâtre Christian Liger and Centre socio-culturel de Valdegour and Cie Souricière.
CALENDAR of the projections
// March 18-21, 2015
VIDÉOFORMES Festival international d’arts numériques / Clermont Ferrand
// May 4, 2015
Ciné Sémaphore / Nîmes